CHÂTEAU DE CHAMBORD - French Castle That Inspired Disney's Beauty and the Beast (Day Trip from Paris)

Those who visit Chambord Castle may feel a sense of déjà-vu the moment they gaze upon the castle’s grandiose architecture. Chances are, they have seen the castle before, but not exactly in reality. What do I mean by that? Well, allow me to clarify: 

Château de Chambord was the inspiration behind Prince Adam’s/ Beast’s enchanted castle in the film Beauty and the Beast. It’s no surprise as for the reason; the spectacular building, commissioned in 1519 by Francis I, blends the best of French Renaissance and Medieval structures. 

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France


The extensive detailing is proper to the Renaissance period, while the round bastions, towers, enclosing curtain wall, and central keep all derive from Medieval architecture.

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord is well-maintained, and it continuously undergoes repairs and restorations by people who are trained in the same ancient techniques used to create the castle.

The “castle” doesn’t actually have any of the defensive features one would expect of a building carrying that classification. All security features (the moat, the tower, etc…) were used as decoration.

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

This castle is the largest in all of Loire Valley, and has a large and beautifully manicured garden.

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

It may be surprising to note that the brilliant building is not, in fact, a castle - it was intended to be used as a Hunting Lodge! Although it took 28 years to construct (1519-1547), it was never officially “finished”, and was only used for a few months out of the year. In essence, Chambord Castle was intended as a display of Francis I’s wealth and power. 

Based on historical accounts, I gather that Francis I was, as the current terminology goes, quite “petty” - the dude invited over his archival, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, just to show off how boujee his hunting lodge was. 


One of the most well-known features of the castle (besides its exterior) is its double-spiral staircase. This magnificent structure commands focus from all who witness it, and it leads out to a rooftop with an equally beautiful view. 

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

A feature I really loved about the castle was it’s intriguing off-white shade. Because the entire interior was basked in this shade, it really made me focus on all of the hunting lodge’s beautiful detailing.

The many tapestries were also magnificent, and well-maintained.

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

There are a few rooms inside the hunting lodge that are exquisitely decorated and richly coloured. They offer beautiful visual stimulation in the otherwise off-white toned building.

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Bust of Molière (Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Bust of Molière (Château de Chambord (Chambord Castle) in France (Day trip from Paris)

Painting of dogs with stag-head hunting trophies

Painting of dogs with stag-head hunting trophies

Château de Chambord is a spectacular castle to visit within Loire Valley, and it makes for an excellent day-trip from Paris.

If you are a fan of Disney films and ornate French architecture, do yourself a favour and either board a bus/ rent a car/ hop onto a train to visit the castle!

Thank you for reading, lovely!

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