7 Gems of... The 8ème Arrondissement in Paris

Paris’ 8th district is already a treasure trove of touristic attractions. L’Arc de Triomphe, Grand Palais, L’Église de la Madeleine, Place de la Concorde… it seems that there is already a lot to see! Besides those wonderful spots, there are some lesser known touristic sites worth adding to your Parisian list.

1. Musée Jacquemart-André

Musée Jacquemart-André is one of my favourite private museums in Paris. Formerly the home of eclectic collectors Nélie Jacquemart and Édouard André, it was converted into a museum in 1913.

Édouard, an aficionado of Italian art, often travelled to Italy and brought back with him lot’s of grandiose and gorgeous pieces to adorn the mansion.

This museum is a great idea for tourists who have already visited The Louvre and The Musée d’Orsay, and want to see similar pieces of art in a more intimate - and palatable - setting.

158 Boulevard Haussmann, 75008


2. Le Parc Monceau (Park Monceau)

Parc Monceau is a beautiful park with some gorgeous 18th century Roman-inspired architecture (classical columns and a colonnade). There are also antique statues, a miniature “pyramid”, a Dutch h windmill, a temple dedicated to Mars, a water-lily pond, among other gorgeous structures.

This particular park is a great choice for taking a leisurely stroll, or just sitting in the open-air with a good book.

35 Boulevard de Courcelles


3. La Maison de la Truffe Madeleine

Truffles: you either love them, or hate them.

I happent to (unfortunately) be a fan of the expensive treat, and my favourite place to pick up truffle-laden goods in the French capital was at La Maison de la Truffe Madeleine.

Part shop/ part restaurant, this high-end joint is perfect for those with sophisticated tastebuds. Just be aware it is a tad bit pricey!

19 Place de la Madeleine


4. Petit Palais

Despite Grand Palais being the more renowned art museum, Petit Palais is very much worth visiting. Originally built for the Universal Exposition (l'Exposition universelle) in 1900, the ornate palace’s architecture is just as beautiful and worth beholding as the art it possesses.

Petit Palais is listed by the French Ministry of Culture as a monument historique, and considering its directly in front of Grand Palais, both are worth visiting at one time when in the 8th district.

Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008


5. Pont Alexandre III

Connecting the 8th arrondissement (Champs-Elysées, Grand Palais, L’Arc de Triomphe, etc…) with the 7th (La Tour Eiffel, Les Invalides), the beautiful and ornate Pont Alexandre III acts as a lavish and classy backdrop to any photo-seeking individual.

Still need some persuading to visit? It officially became a French Monument Historique in 1975, cementing it as an artistic 19th century marvel of the Parisian city.

No matter what side of the bridge you end up on, you’ll never be far from key Parisian tourist attractions, such as Les Champs-Elysées, Grand Palais, and L’Arc de Triomphe on the right bank, and La Tour Eiffel and Les Invalides on the left bank.

Read about other picturesque Parisian places like Pont Alexandre III by pressing here.

Pont Alexandre III


6. Jardins des Champs-Élysées

Right next door to the Grand Palais and Petit Palais, the Jardin des Champs-Élysées is a wonderful bit of greenery in the 8th arrondissement. It was my favourite place to go to in the springtime to see the first floral blooms.

If you’ve completed a day of sight-seeing in the 8th district (The Champs-Élysées, Grand/ Petit Palais, Église de la Madeleine), this is a nice place to pop by and take a breather surrounded by nature.

10 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008


7. Pierre Hermé Paris

Pierre Hermé is one of the top spots in Paris for high-quality (albeit expensive) macarons. If you enjoy the sweet treat, it is worth popping in to try some of their famous desserts.

The 8th district location along Les Champs Elysées is especially worth visiting as it’s obvious a lot of thought was put into it in order to make it worthy of it’s place along the iconic street.

133 Avenue des Champs-Élysées, 75008


Thank you for reading, lovely!

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