
Georgian Bay, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst.

Wherever you choose to go in Muskoka, there’s something to do, during all times of the year.


My family and I took a trip to Muskoka during July. We stayed in a nice little wood cabin near Algonquin Park. It was nice to have a cabin as we could cook for ourselves. We also brought both dogs as they adore joining us on hikes!

We did a number of the available trails in Algonquin, but my favourites were definitely The Lookout Trail and Centennial Ridge as the views were exquisite. I have an inkling to go back in the fall when all the leaves will be an array of warm-toned colours.

The Spruce Bog Boardwalk is also another fantastic trail, but my family and I were conscious to bring along tons of bug spray for our trek!

All three of those trails were dog-friendly, but we did bring along the car to easily reach them all. Parking was provided at the start of each of the trails.


Another thing that’s fun to do in Muskoka is going canoe-ing, kayaking, or paddle-boating along any of the lakes in the area. We visited numerous lakes in the Muskoka area, and we didn’t have a difficult time finding places from which to rent boats.

Alphonse certainly looked majestic overlooking Fairy Lake 😂 !


Huntsville, a resort town, is also worth a visit, as there are some very nice shops and restaurants to visit.

One other thing I’d like to mention about Muskoka is that it’s far enough outside of the city to see the stars. I highly recommend spending a part of your evening outside on your backs staring up at the sky. I had the luck to see a shooting star!

Overall, Muskoka is a very nice and picturesque place to visit if you’re seeking a nature-filled trip not too far away from Toronto. Whether you’re away for a day, for a weekend, or for a week, there is always something to do to keep you occupied.
Just pack a good pair of sneakers, SPF, and bug spray, and you’re good to go! Or, bring some wine and great book and you can have an equally enjoyable experience sipping along the lake in a Muskoka chair.

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