The Fitzroy Review (Toronto Dress Rental Service)

I love thrifted and vintage clothing, as you can find unique pieces and help reduce clothing waste and save money. However, when it comes to formal wear, which most people only use once in a blue moon, those pieces can take up more space than necessary in both your closet and wallet.

The Fitzroy Rentals solves this problem:
Rent trendy formal and semi-formal attire at a fraction of the cost for your event. Once you’re done strutting around in a designer dress (and taking those photos), you can give it back and don’t have to worry about it taking up space (or getting repeat photos).

If you want a fun way to wear designer dresses at an affordable price, reduce closet space, and try out many different styles, this is a fantastic service!

A big plus - they clean the dresses for you as part of the cost. You just try on, rent, bring back. With 24-hour drop-off, it’s almost too easy. Other benefits:

  • Delivery options

  • Sizes 0-16

  • Accessories available

  • Virtual fittings

  • Amazing space!

So whether you require a rental for prom, a semi-formal dance, a wedding, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a Christening, a photoshoot, or just for your own enjoyment, this is a great place to try!

Want more fashion? Check out my styling tips on thigh highs, White Jeans, pleated skirts, 70s Wide-Leg Pants/ Trousers, and Dr Martens.

With all that in mind, see my most recent looks below!


I rented this gorgeous Bariano red velvet dress for a wedding. The velvet was well-maintained, and the structure of the dress held up. I was very, very pleased with this look!

Brand: Bariano
Size: 2
Quality: Very High 9/10


Done by two-time emmy nominated hmua samantha couture


This feathered dress was rented for a family wedding. I was super impressed that the feathers and sequins showed very little signs of wear. Fitzroy did a good job ensuring the dress quality was rental approved. The general wear-and-tear of a few feathers naturally falling off is included in the price (no extra charge, as long as you don’t do any excessive damage).

Brand: Sau Lee
Size: 0
Quality: Very High 9/10


Done by two-time emmy nominated hmua samantha couture

Wrapped up

The zipper was a tad stiff, but the rest of the dress was in good shape. No weird smells or stains, just a gorgeous print and fit!

Brand: Sau Lee
Size: 0
Quality: High 8.5/10

Wynx club

This dress was my least favourite of all my rentals. There were a few pleats towards the hips that were oddly folded due to use (most likely from where people sit down). I was a bit disappointed that it didn’t sit flat in photos, but that’s sometimes the name of the game with rentals. Otherwise, the zipper was easy to use, and the fabric didn’t show signs of excessive wear-and-tear..

Brand: Sau Lee
Size: 0
Quality: High 8/10

Change room Snaps

Thank you for reading, lovely! Can’t wait for you to indulge in some more fits!

Don’t forget to follow my Instagram (@sarahfreia) to get updates on every new post!

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